Signalisation Saphir is a company that wants to be an integral part of the signage and security market. We have opted for the highest quality in all our signage products. This applies both to specialized signage items (TRV-10 bollards, speed bumps) and to the signaller’s uniform. Our complete range of signalling equipment is now available, including a signaller’s uniform, a signaller’s baton (rechargeable or not), a signaller’s flag, a signaller’s helmet and an LED strip for added visibility. Visit the other product categories available in our boutique.
We also offer a wide range of signage products: 28″ orange cones, flags, TRV-10 bollards, sign posts, orange beacon fencing, road flares and more.
A new feature… the signaller’s raincoat. We have a batch of 1,000 MTQ-compliant flagman uniforms. Take advantage of our bargains.